Increase Your Energy, Engagement, &
Quality of Life

Schedule your strategy session today and create the authentic life you are meant to live!

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10 mindfulness practices to bring you back to your authentic self

Start building a life filled with meaningful relationships and newfound joy! Find your authentic self through these 10 mindfulness practices!

Unique Coaching For Unique You

Let's work together to embrace your incredible strengths and overcome fear to truly reach your happiness.

Achieve Self Clarity

Reach your authentic you as you discover the greatness you have to offer.

Gain Holistic Healing

Everyone has a unique story. Find greater peace through tailored coaching.

Increase Your Motivation

Determine what matters to you and experience the difference.

Achieve Hope & Happiness

Robyn 2

A Coach Who Understands

I found greater joy in my life. Let me help you, too!

Robyn McTague's main purpose is to help individuals like you find their true, authentic selves and reach meaningful joy.

From personal life experience as well as professional training and coaching, Robyn will help you discover your unique strengths and how to take control of your emotions and increase your energy.

Robyn 2

Truly Live Your Dream!

Check out my latest blog posts for more ideas on how to create a happy, fulfilled life.

Lean on an Experienced Professional

Benefit from years of experience in finding proven techniques for achieving a joyful life.


Lean on an Experienced Professional

Benefit from years of experience in finding proven techniques for achieving a joyful life.


Certified Dream Coach

Dream University®

Certified Individual Practitioner

Motivational Maps™

Conflict Resolution Certificate

Justice Institute of British Columbia


Begin Your Journey to a Happier You

You are strong and can overcome! Work with an experienced coach with proven strategies to reach greater energy, meaning, and joy.