Level 2 Ancient Shamanism

The Power to Change


What would it mean to live a life of spiritual impeccability? To fiercely protect your authentic Self?

Daring. Dramatic. Powerful. The Shaman bridges nature and humanity, sensitive to the balance of all living things. Everything lives in Power. Are you willing to embrace your Noble Self and walk the path of the Shaman? Are you ready to be the Shamanic Healer?

Training in Power™ Level 2, ANCIENT SHAMANISM unlocks a deeper understanding of who you really are and how much Power you command. Combining ancient knowledge with spirituality and quantum physics, explore past lifetimes and unlock beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you.

You are called to be the Spiritual Warrior.

The Invitation

In Level 1 you learned how Unlimited you are and how to connect with the Power of the Universe that heals, protects and nurtures you. Now, we invite you to drink from the well of knowledge, taking the next step on your journey to remember who you really Are. Your mind believes whatever you tell it. Feed it Truth. Feed it Courage. Feed it Love.

Our Journey
“Intent is what sends a Shaman through a wall, through space to infinity.” Carlos Castaneda

Benefits you'll receive

  • Increased vibration (Level 2 – the Shaman), resulting in a deep comprehension of how our emotional self impacts our world and circumstances
  • Advanced shielding and meditation techniques
  • Modern application of the ancient Shamanic position in your world
  • A healing system to remove old, unconscious blocks
  • Progressively increased awareness of your spirit self

Course Description

Level 2 combines the ancient shamanic knowledge with spirituality and quantum physics. You may feel like you are remembering, as much as learning. You will understand how to “know what you know” and develop your shamanic abilities to access greater knowledge from the DNA.

We share the rich psychology of ANCIENT SHAMAN tribal societies in four classes over four weeks. Through active meditation, you learn the Holy design of the Universe and come to know your place in creation. Advanced metaphysics lead you through the fascinating world of the Shaman to uncover hidden secrets that lay buried in you ancestral DNA.

Increase understanding of how your emotions impact the way your life unfolds

  • Use Shamanic tools to apply advanced shielding and meditation techniques
  • Remove old, unconscious thoughts that hinder the journey of your Soul
  • Interpret the how and why of disease and the wisdom of illness
  • Using Universal laws, protect yourself from negative influences
  • Learn to trust yourself, who You Are, and who you are becoming

Class Format

The course is delivered during 4 classes over 4 weeks. You will learn through lecture, discussion, guided meditations and energetic healing techniques. The course is designed to allow you to assimilate information with an opportunity to practice your learning between each class. Classes are taught online currently and can also be taught in person in the future.

Learning Outcomes

  • Examine the metaphysical aspects of the shamanic healer
  • Interpret fundamental concepts of dis-ease and the wisdom of illness
  • Examine how universal laws may be applied to to protect yourself from negative influences
  • Utilize shamanic tools to manage yourself in emotional situations
  • Find the position of the 'spiritual warrior'
  • Examine the effects of regressional lifetimes on the nature of disease
  • Learn to trust the self and develop a positive self image
  • Develop your ability to read energy on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels
  • Cultivate your spiritual impeccability

Prerequisite: completion of Level I and two graduate sessions.

Graduate Session

Graduates of Level 2 have one graduate session available to them. This session is completed with your Level 2 teacher on a one-to-one basis. This session is required before moving on to Level 3 - Tibetan Mastery.


Tuition is $595 Early Bird (registered and paid 2 weeks in advance) for 4 classes taxes not included. Regular rate is $655 plus tax.
Rates are in the currency of your country for Canada and USA. Canadian rates add 5% GST tax.

Course Content:
Class One
Travel to a Dimension of Deep Power

  • Connect and open to the Holiness of the Shaman position
  • Learn powerful Shamanic shielding systems to reinforce your protection
  • Harness an alignment in Power to increase your energy flow on all levels
  • Begin the journey to enhanced self-love, self-esteem and confidence
  • Meet your Spirit protector

Class Two
Explore Your Past, Create Your Future

  • Travel deeper into the plane of universal Power
  • Dance with your Soul to reverberate in Truth
  • Identify and correct situations where you gave your power away
  • Tune to the Spiritual Warrior position to manage emotions
  • With new gifts of awareness, unlock patterns and beliefs holding you back
  • Learn the unrelenting focus of true power to manifest your heart’s desires

Class Three
The Power to Heal, Shift, Transform
Practice a Shamanic healing system to find and correct your personal Akashic records

  • Use the Law and power of the Shaman to transform at a DNA level
  • Claim your birth right to heal, grow and transform as both Spirit and Human
  • Explore the truth, ethics and humility required to become a noble healer

Class Four
Living as the Shaman
Exercise your new Shamanic muscles and see your personal Truth

  • Decide to live a life of Truth based on spiritual impeccability
  • Settle in to a new sense of Self that is immoveable as the Spiritual Warrior
  • Go forward, trusting the Self and trusting Source as you live the mystery of the Shaman

Shamanically, your body is much wiser than you. Your body will teach you and tell you things that you cannot know from the mind. There is a resonance, a vibration. Excerpt from Level 2